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Chongqing West Station Electrical Market

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  • Range of business:Used chemical equipment Spare parts Used chemical equipment
  • Area:3,000 square meters of business areasquare meters
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Chongqing West Station Electrical Market in Chongqing High-tech Zone Chenjiaping center dial (Chengdu-Chongqing expressway entrances and exits), "a town · New" podium next to "Bus Station", is located in Chongqing largest specialized trade of electromechanical products the core business district, is Chengdu, Chongqing and Guizhou, the main city outer ring highway intersection, the traffic is convenient, accessible, bringing the booming business opportunities.

markets around the neighboring streets, 13,000 square meters of business area to absorb, bringing together many of the world famous brand in domestic and electromechanical field operations, showcase, exhibition, mechanical and electrical products wholesale, agent, distribution, bidding, into exports and retail as one of the business hubs. 3000 m2 ring parking is very convenient for the mechanical and electrical market conditions.

market is the home city of Chongqing, a West Point Electrical market companies and companies together to create strength. Investment and management for many years engaged in the mechanical and electrical operation of the market of high-quality professionals. Attentive service, standardized management, strong advertising, the market building and the incubation period is shorter, can rapidly achieve scale, so that you stay at home, goods go one thousand.

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